How to format articles for online, digital and web platforms

Bullet points? Bolded words? Small paragraphs? Big paragraphs? How do you format a news story in 2019 to keep readers hooked?

The session would focus on how to format news articles in the digital age, specifically shorter, quick hits for the web. Think Axios-style, or maybe even stuff from Industry Dive. What’s the right way to format these stories for good online consumption? Lists? Bullet points? Bolded words? Short paragraphs? Long paragraphs? What’s the right way to catch the reader’s eye without looking too chaotic. Should producers reformate print-focused articles for the digital space? How is the idea of the “article” changing in 2019?

Suggested Speaker(s)

  • Mike Allen
    Co-founder, Axios
  • Kate Tornone
    Lead Editor, Industry Dive