Versha Sharma is the Managing Editor and Senior Correspondent at NowThis, where she's been working since 2014 when she was hired as a senior editorial producer in the early days of social video becoming a trend, and was tasked with shaping and defining the editorial voice for NowThis.
Versha has been an enthusiastic voice for the most innovative models in digital journalism. Prior to NowThis, she worked as a reporter and editor for Vocativ, another digital-first news outlet, where she managed a team of international reporters, and at Talking Points Memo, where she went from unpaid intern to deputy publisher over the course of 3 years, learning about every aspect of the business, from writing, reporting and editing to publishing, managing social media and advertising, and even doing ad operations for a little while.
She loves superhero movies.
- Friday, Sep 13 - Explaining the Explainer: How to Make Videos that Resonate
- Thursday, Sep 12 - Digital Journalism Insights: Lightning Talks from ONA Board Candidates and VIP Meetup
- Thursday, Sep 12 - Career Advice From the Women’s Leadership Accelerator
- See the full schedule →