Sally Lehrman created and leads the Trust Project, a nonprofit, nonpartisan consortium of news organizations that implement Trust Indicators to help the public - and technology platforms – recognize journalism with integrity within the hubbub online. She is a longtime journalist covering medicine and science policy, with an emphasis on social diversity. Honors include a Peabody Award, duPont-Columbia, and the John S. Knight Fellowship at Stanford University, and for the Trust Project, recognition as a Top 20 Digital Innovator (2018) and with the Conference Board’s Fellows Award for exemplary work. She co-edited and co-wrote a volume on reporting on structural inequality, “Reporting Inequality” (Routledge, 2019). Byline credits include Scientific American, Nature, Health, The Boston Globe, the Atlantic, Salon.com, The DNA Files, distributed by NPR. Her book, “News in a New America,” argues for an inclusive news media. She is also Science and Justice Professor at UC-Santa Cruz.
Website: http://www.thetrustproject.org
- Thursday, Sep 12 - How Do You Decide What is Trustworthy?
- Thursday, Sep 12 - Building Trust: Newsroom Tools for the “Fake News” Era
- See the full schedule →