From white supremacists coordinating on 4chan to Facebook messenger-based activism, networked communities, both closed to members and open to the public, are where stories are increasingly happening. Learn ways to investigate online groups, what to take into consideration and how to the subject empirically from this expert panel.
This session is designed for:
- Reporters who would like to better investigate networked internet communities
- Newsrooms interested in tools for navigating and reporting on networked factions
- Anyone seeking to understand how groups congregate and coordinate online

Lam Vo
Senior Reporter, BuzzFeed News
@lamthuyvo • Visit Website

Joan Donovan
Director of the Technology and Social Change Project, Shorenstein Center at Harvard Kennedy School
@BostonJoan • Visit Website

Latoya Peterson
CXO and Co-Founder, Glow Up Games
@latoyapeterson • Visit Website

Kiran Garimella
Researcher, MIT
@gvrkiran • Visit Website