As augmented reality becomes more commonplace in newsroom storytelling, questions about how to ethically capture and recreate places, objects or events gain salience. Join this immersive session for a robust discussion of ethical norms related to privacy, ownership, representation and reconstruction in AR.
This session is designed for:
- Leaders who could make use of a four-point scan to evaluate potential ethical issues
- Newsrooms interested in building a framework for production and distribution of AR
- Anyone seeking a serious conversation about the ethical use of technology
Recent work by Ethics in AR panelists:
- Jeremy Gilbert: Implemented an AR web experience for The Post
- Mia Tramz: Launched the Time Immersive App and is working on a March on Washington VR project
- Brooke Van Dam and Steven Johnson: Worked on the first AR journalism series for Quartz

Mia Tramz
Editorial Director, Enterprise + Immersive Experiences, TIME
@miatramz • Visit Website

Brooke Van Dam
Director of Partnerships and Education, SeeBoundless
@brookevandam • Visit Website

Jeremy Gilbert
Director of Strategic Initiatives, The Washington Post
@jeremygilbert • Visit Website

Steven Johnson
Founder/CEO, SeeBoundless
@steveboundless • Visit Website