Tips & tools for writing faster & telling powerful stories online

Successful writers throughout the ages have embraced these tips and tools, but they’ve become increasingly important and relevant in the digital age.

I’ll share 10 “writing secrets” — tools and techniques that pave the way for fast and powerful storytelling online. Successful writers throughout the ages have embraced these secrets, but they’ve become increasingly important and relevant in the digital age.

These secrets include:

1. How to take full advantage of short writing forms – especially the headline – in communicating news online.
2. How to write leads that will draw readers in – and help them stay with your story/site.
3. How word order can strengthen your writing online.
4. How to tell the difference between reports and stories, and why it matters.
5. How to generate energy in a story by putting odd and interesting things next to each other.
6. How to “get the name of the dog” and capture details that will captivate audiences and keep them engaged.
7. How to create energy from serial forms, even on Twitter.
8. How Twitter can make you a better and faster writer.
9. How to lift “heavy cargo” out of written stories through the use of maps, graphics, interactives, and more.
10. How to generate narrative energy that builds audience and generates revenue.

I taught a similar session at last year’s ONA. This year, I’ll build on the momentum from that session and continue cultivating a community of writers at ONA.

Suggested Speaker(s)

  • Mallary Tenore
    Assistant Director, Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas, University of Texas at Austin